Blizzard turns 20…

11 Mar

Didn’t had the time to write anything decent this week, but didn’t want it to go by without sharing this video with you:

It’s a nice retrospective of one of the most influential game development companies in the world, and it has some nice trivia and behind the scene looks… It’s really something, thinking that a small group of dedicated people could create something like that!

Another good link to share was written by David Amador on his blog, and he talks about motivation and game development, check it out at

And that’s it for this week… Work has been hectic, but I’m almost reaching the first deadline of an important project, and most stuff should be simple and neat from here on, so I expect to have more time for game dev stuff in the near future!


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  1. Rama

    April 2, 2011 at 1:11 am

    Could’ve been us damn it!

    • Covenant

      April 4, 2011 at 9:58 am

      Well, if we were americans and could borrow from our grandparents $50000 for a game development company, back in 1990… 🙂

      And get a “small officer” with 300 m^2! 🙂