
09 Nov

Although I got Uncharted 3 to play, I managed to get some time to add the live-link feature into SurgeEd!

Now, each time I change a shader file (or any of its dependencies), the editor reflects that when the window regain focus. Hopefully I’ll be able to iterate shaders faster, and do some more effect shaders as well.

I still need to add the material edit options, but I’m struggling a bit with it, from a conceptual standpoint.

We are editing objects on the editor, and those objects have (simplifying) a position, orientation and mesh. And the mesh has materials, shared by all the instances of that mesh… We can think of an object as an instance of a mesh. Now, I have to add materials to the object itself, and these materials have to be children of the mesh (with names generated from the object name). Then, every time the mesh of an object changes, the materials have to be deleted and re-added from the mesh materials. There are also other problems associated with the drag/drop/copy/undo/redo systems.

After I solve this, it comes the time for the properties of the material itself, which has a dynamic component, based on the shader selected for the material.

None of this will be simple, but it sounds like a neat system! Open-mouthed smile With both the live-link and the material editing, I’ll be able to work on shaders in a more efficient way!

On another note, found a cool game to spend some time:


It’s very cool there’s still new concepts for platformers, and although I’ve seen this concept before in other games, this one uses it very well associated with the ninja concept!


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