Posts Tagged ‘dead’

Dead Space 3

05 Feb


Since I was very disappointed with Dead Space 2, this one really surprised me, since it was way better than the one before (and maybe even on-par to the first one).

In this one, the story actually evolves and more is found out about the Markers… The characters are a bit grating and one-dimensional; Isaac is particularly one-dimensional: “I won’t do it… Oh, the girl wants me to do it? That’s ok then!”… Love triangle in the middle of a gruesome horror infection story: nope, it doesn’t work, it’s not believable. Human beings are driven by their hormones, that’s true, but fear/terror overrides that, it’s just the way we’re wired from a biological standpoint!

Anyway, the game itself is more of the same: shoot infected monstrosities on the limbs, find out about the mystery-de-jour. They’ve added a “make-your-weapon” mechanic, but it’s so terribly implemented from a game design perspective that I just stuck with the initial weapon (modded with circuits), upgraded the body for the “Planetary”-something for more circuit slots, and after I got the probe-gun, I just used that…

Designing your own weapons might be nice, if it wasn’t so trial-and-error… I build a weapon (with very little information on the results along the way), then I tried, found out it was terrible, rinse-and-repeat, and in the process lost precious resources. So, I gave up on it after a bit, really… Seems like a system suited for the “pay-to-win” thing they have (which I don’t care much about, but didn’t spoil my fun).

Boss fights on this one were not as stupid as the last one from Dead Space 2, but they weren’t interesting… I feel like I’ve been fighting the same boss over and over again (and I think I was, the story was too broken for me to understand that).

Lastly, the terror component is not present since the first game… I understand it’s hard to keep the tension when you have to let people actually shoot stuff (instead of the solitary stalking on the first “Alien” movie), so it’s kind of a difficult position to be (making the 3rd game in a terror series). So, Dead Space became a new shooter, just a bit different because it’s not space marines…Maybe a cosmetic change, but a welcome one.

It might seem that I didn’t appreciate the game, but it was actually enjoyable (I’m just hyper-critic). It entertained me for 14 hours or so, although it’s a highly repetitive game (horror stories aren’t usually very complex, revolving around a mystery, so it’s hard to stretch them out, and without story, you’re just working as a errand-boy).

Although EA is just milking the franchise at this point, it hasn’t lost that much quality, so I guess that’s a win… This one is definitely better than the second one, and only worse than the first one because the terror isn’t there anymore. Isaac is now too much of a necromorph killing machine to actually feel scared, I’d say. 7/10

On the development news, give a jump onto the Spellcaster Studios blog… not much going on, but we’re still working!

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Posted in Games


The Walking Dead

07 Jun


Well, it’s time I jump onto the bandwagon of praise for this one!

First of all, I don’t like the TV show… I started watching it, and decided to start calling it “The Boring Dead”… Gave up after 3 or 4 episodes…

Secondly, I’m not a big fan of zombie games…

That said, this makes my praise of “The Walking Dead” extra special!

First, let’s get the bad out the way… I wouldn’t call this a game, more of an interactive story… the gameplay elements are just too thin, and most of them are just to serve as interval between the cutscenes/story… This is as much a game, as cooking is… Smile

That said, on that regard, the game is bloody amazing… I picked it up on a Humble Bundle, and it was an amazing deal ($25 for a lot of great games).

My first comment to my friends after I finished this was: “Will someone please buy a copy of this for David Cage?!”…

David Cage might be the front-man for this new generation of interactive stories, but after playing this one, I don’t feel he’s even near in talent to the guys at Telltale!

The base story of TWD is quite the normal story for zombie-based games… but the way it’s written, the way it builds its characters makes it stand out…

While in Heavy Rain, the focus was on making CGI look as real as possible and over-dramatize everything so it would look “dark and gritty and real”, on TWD, the focus is on building characters… Great characters, with great depth, characters I could really give a crap about!

The graphics on TWD are cartoony (strange choice for a zombie game, but one that ultimately paid off), yet the characters feel more real than anything Quantic Dreams has ever done!

While I couldn’t care less if Ethan Mars lived, died, saved his son, etc, I really felt for Lee (the main character) and Clementine… the automated choices seemed believable, while the ones we could make were definitely hard to decide on…

The game immersed me so much in it, that I stopped doing my usual “game the system” approach (in which I choose something because it would maximize my “score”), and started doing what I believe I’d do in the situation… Specially because the decisions I made seemed meaningful to the story (for example, deciding on who lives and who dies).

This game was really amazing, and it gave me a new breath of hope for this genre of game… I was very critical of Heavy Rain when it came out, and while on TWD my main criticism is still present (the lack of “game”), it is considerably abated by the quality of story, writing and general mood the game exposes.

This game should belong in every gamer’s shelve (or Steam library)!

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