Posts Tagged ‘surgeed’


30 Aug

Worked a bit on my editor, fixed some bugs, improved some others…

Main improvement was a bug fix on the shadowmaps for point lights… everything that was behind the light (used the “back” shadowmap – using dual paraboloid shadows here) was being rendered wrong, depending on light orientation (that shouldn’t affect point lights).

Good shadows on point (and hemisphere) lights still depend a lot on the tessellation of the scene (due to the dual paraboloid projection)… I’ll probably add the option for cube-map based shadowmaps, they might be better (albeit way more expensive) for specific cases. The cost might be offset with better batching of solid geometry (create a bunch of vertex buffers with just positions, which is all is needed for shadowmaps), shadow-atlas (eliminate render target switches, but need more complex shader code and the “border” ability on the texel-sample – win the ability of batching shadow-mapped lights and less texture source set-operations) and slower updates on the shadowmaps (update only every 2nd frame or something like that).

The video quality is crap, and the mouse cursor isn’t visible… I was using SnagIt 8 to do the capture, with a DivX codec and 30 FPS capture, but the results were terrible… Hopefully I’ll figure out a better way to do these captures in the future…