Level design done…

23 Aug

Level design done… it needs tweaks and such, and I’m missing more classes, to be honest, since the game becomes more complex…

Better rules for choosing targets would also help, since the current system doesn’t allow for the player to really be tactical in the game (too many random factors)…

Still, the game is fun, and since it has infinite retries (and one savegame, so even if you quit you can resume where you dropped off), it let’s you try different approaches…

I’ll ask people to stick to it, since the end cutscene has a twist! 🙂 Yep, I’m a regular Shyamalan… “What a twist!”

Anyway, screenshot of level 6 in full swing:


Time to add sound and music to the game, still have almost 3 hours for that… and try this in Release mode (been playing this in Debug build… hope it doesn’t bug out in Release *cross fingers*)…

Time to fire up Sfxr (DrPetter is a god!)… 🙂


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