Archive for the ‘General’ Category


01 Apr

According to Wikipedia, Motivation is the driving force which helps us to achieve goals… Yet, my motivation lately has been a bit lacking; not only I haven’t updated this blog as often as I set myself to do when I started it, I haven’t worked in any of my game ideas for ages, even been lacking in my game-playing!

So, why’s that? Well, the first thing that pops to mind is that I’m lazy… but that’s only part of the truth, considering I don’t think making games is work, but a pleasure; yeah, of course it has its frustrating times, but no more than playing a game and being stuck in a boss fight (exhilarating when you finally kill it!), or when you watch a TV-series that ends on a cliffhanger (just makes the next week sweeter)…

So, what’s the source of my lack of motivation lately?

After some soul-searching, I’ve found 2 things that my games and my blog-writing have in common, and how that relates to my inertia:

Thinking too big

I think too big most of the time… My game concepts start simple enough, but they soon balloon in my mind until they reach the point that I can’t do them by myself (specially considering my graphic skills); most of my ideas are story-based, which don’t work without decent graphics for the exposition (even retro graphics with loads of text, etc, are beyond my grasp).

Some of my ideas are even doable with graphics made by me, without losing its core identity, but then I feel that I wouldn’t do that "great idea" any justice like that… A good example is a story I have in my mind (project codename is "Thanus Gray")… It started with a crossover idea between the game I did for the last Ludum Dare compo I’ve participated (Conquest) and a story I’ve been munching around for some months now… but I like the story so much, I don’t want to "waste" it on my graphics…

Same principle applies to this blog… I have a list of posts I want to make, with some development stuff, tutorials, pseudo-reviews, etc, but I don’t like to do stuff half-assed… so they sit there, and I continuously think "tomorrow I’ll definitely write this, so no point in writing anything today…"; and this has been my mindset for ages now…

Lack of awareness

Even as I write this, I know my blog is read by very few people in the world (not that I do that much effort in advertising it, but then again I think "why should people care, it’s not like this is very interesting"). This lack of exposure makes me cave in to the demotivation that’s the cornerstone of this blog post… After all, it’s not like many people will care if I write or not… πŸ™‚

On the same page, my solo game development efforts will probably also pass under the radar, apart for some friends that will try it out (and not enjoy it much also!). That also doesn’t lead to motivation in creating a game (which is a medium that can’t serve just for itself for oneself, in my opinion).

So, what now?

I have to fight these two conditions, to be honest… I feel the need of expressing myself through the creation of a game, and being to demanding/megalomaniac isn’t helping my cause…

This will probably require some thought on how I can approach these two problems (although number 1 is way more important, in my opinion), but hopefully I’ll be able to start tackling solo game development in a different way, and I have material for some blog entries…

I really love the Wolfire blog in the way they have normally 2 weekly updates (one technical, one art), and that can also be a good idea for me: isolate the technical me from the artist me from the game designer me… Might help me reach my objective of actually finishing a good game that 3 people in the world might enjoy playing! πŸ™‚

So stay tuned for more developments on this blog, I intend to really start working on it in the near future!

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Sick as a dog…

07 Mar

Sorry about the lack of updates lately, but last week I’ve been sick as a dog with a nasty flu.

Other than that, work has been keeping me busy and exhausted (currently trying to optimize my current server system memory-wise, without loosing too much performance)…

So this update isn’t just a "oh, sorry about the lack of updates" post, here’s the winners of the IGF:

No big surprises there, but it’s good to see Amnesia taking home so many of the prizes!

Hopefully at the end of the week I’ll have some more stuff to share with you guys!

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Nothing to see here, move along….

14 Jan

The main reason I haven’t been writing in my blog is that there’s nothing to talk about, without spending some time…. πŸ™‚

Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been struggling with work; it really piled up in the holiday seasons, and I want to be able to buy some time to be able to dedicate myself to games again… specially because I’ve been having an idea brewing inside of me that’s begging to be developed… for now it’s just a story (one that I rather like) and a game mechanic (summoning/possession based), but hopefully it will grow into something really neat; problem is that I want to develop this one by myself (so there’s the “surprise” effect of the story in everyone), and I suck at art! πŸ™‚

Anyway, I’m almost completing one project, and the next one is more or less under control, so hopefully I’ll have time for some more game development stuff (my own project and the bigger game I’m developing with some friends), and for the return of my “feature blog posts” (which take some time to write properly!)…

Damn, my blog looks more and more like one of those blogs that get abandoned after a while, and I certainly don’t want that!

So this post isn’t completely bereft of real content, a word of caution: don’t see “Skyline”… it’s sucks so badly it hurts; it’s not because of the limited scope (it all takes place in a building), or the low-budget special effects (I can live with that)… it’s because they spent 45 minutes developing characters (in the most boring way ever, I might add), to throw all that character development out the window and replace it with a slasher-cum-alien invasion movie, with no sense of purpose or direction…. and the end of the movie (while a tad lame) could have been a decent beginning to it, to be honest!

So, I’m giving this one a 3/10 (I’m being generous ‘cos the movie only cost 20 million to make, which is cheap for today’s standards)…

Can hardly wait to be able to watch Tron (it only came out yesterday here in Portugal)… from what I’ve heard, the movie is awesome! πŸ™‚

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Happy new year!

07 Jan

Well, the new year has started, and my update-rate is miserable… blame it on a the holidays, plus WoW: Cataclysm and just plain laziness…

So what’s new? Nothing much… had a very big cold, had to stay home for two days (which kind of drives me crazy)… other than that, I just spent the last three weeksΒ eating and enjoying the season…

In World of Warcraft, my small guild started raiding yesterday… we started with Blackwing Descent (wanted to go Baradin Hold first, but Horde didn’t let go of it, and we don’t do PvP, so we can’t really help), and quickly found out that most of us weren’t geared enough for Magmaw (the “first” boss)… curiously enough, we made much better attempts at the Golem Council (Omnotron Defense System, or something like that), which is a skill battle, as opposed to Magmaw, which is a gear fight. That said, Cataclysm promises some very interesting raids!

Work has been pilling up at the office, and I have currently in hands about 5 different projects, all due in the next couple of months… some of them are simple enough, but others are beasts, and the lack of communication between teams is taking its toll, time-wise… Anyway, I’m quite confident that we’ll be able to pull it off… we always do! πŸ™‚

Game-wise, haven’t played anything but WoW and Band Hero… I still suck at Band Hero, but a little less everyday…

Finally, I’ve been thinking a lot about a story that I could turn into a game (a low budget, 48-hour competition kind of game)… if I could do that, I think this one would be awesome… It’s kind of tormeting having a good story in your head and not sharing it with anyone because you want them to experience it in its fullness, bit by bit… πŸ™‚

Well, that’s all the time I have for today, I’ll try to be more regular now that the dust of the holidays (or snow, whatever) has settled down… hopefully… Loads of work ahead of me! πŸ™‚

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Season greetings!

27 Dec

Happy holidays everyone! πŸ™‚

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are planning a smashing New-Year party!

This year, everything was a bit chaotic (because of work and other stuff)… But all went great, and I got a new “Band Hero” from my wife, which is win… Unfortunately, I never guessed I would suck so hard at drums, but I’m improving, practicing in the “slow” setting (oh, the humilliation!).

I’ve finished the first version of the new 3d Studio plugins, to be used in our upcomming secret project (for now)…

Basically, I added on top of the existing plugins (which were already very useful) the deferred rendering part, taking the oportunity to clean up the shader system…

Below, you can watch a video of it in action:

I’ll probably won’t be able to post in the next days… work has been pilling up in the Christmas madness, besides getting ready for the New Year’s Eve… Have to prepare my resolutions for next year! πŸ™‚


Busy, busy, busy…

26 Nov

Sorry about the lack of updates, been busy this last week with finishing a project and a massive tooth-ache that culminated in dental surgery… :\

I’m writing this with a massive swell on my face…

Next week I’ll try to compensate the lack of updates… πŸ™‚

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Some links…

17 Nov

This week has been hectic at the office this week, with a project approaching deadline (nothing gaming related, unfortunately)… It’s a weird project, since it’s web based and we’re using a mixture of PHP/JSON on the server side and GWT/JSON/Java on the client… since I’m new to these technologies, it has been an uphill fight, but it’s been rewarding in its own way…

Anyway, so I don’t get complaints about lack of posts, I’m just sharing some links with you guys:

First off, a game called “Cubesome”… Similar to “Exit”, it’s a platformer that you play on the surface of a cube, with parts of the level in each side; it seems fun:

Also, I found an interesting project for all of those that (like me) like to watch screenshots of games in development… It’s called “Screenshot Saturday”, and it’s a collection of screenshots, extracted from Tweeter feeds that feature the word “#screenshotsaturday” on them, grouped by weeks…Β  You can access the site at It doesn’t seem to work on IE9, but works fine on Firefox or Chrome…

Finally, I found an interesting tutorial on creating pixel art, which is great for people who lack artistic skill like myself… it gives some really nice pointers on how to improve that programmer art! You can check that out at, and following the links…

And that’s it for today… πŸ™‚

I’ll try to have some free time to put up some more stuff this week, but we’ll see…


2d vs 3d: The Final Showdown!

24 Sep

Well, this is not a post about the merits of 2d and 3d…

Nope, I’m just posting an amazing video I saw online:

It’s about the conflict between 2d and 3d gameplay, hence the title… πŸ™‚

Anyway, about my opinion on that (just so I write some more): neither is the superior format, fighting over it is silly… the terms don’t even make sense anymore (most 2d stuff is done with 3d graphics anyway)… Some gameplay types still work better in 2d than in 3d, and I’m sorry there are not enough of those running around these days (graphic adventures, pixel-perfect jumpers)…

That said: 3d is much more fun to program! πŸ™‚

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Er…. I’m back! :)

20 Aug

Hey all!

I know, I know, no updates… Life has not been easy these last months… First I got a new PC (ooooh, shiny!), then went on a small holiday to Barcelona (beautiful city!) and then I had to take care of about a zillion things, with my new job and other stuff at home…

That left me precious little time to write on the blog, and to be honest, I was a bit lazy too…

Anyway, hopefully this will get more regular now, since things are apparently settling down…

Anyway, this weekend there will be a new Ludum Dare 48-hour game development competition… This time, there will be a competition and a jam (the jam has much more relaxed rules and extends until monday, so 72 hours); since I don’t have time to participate on the competition (family visiting…), I’ve decided to skip the stress altogether and participate only on the jam… that allows me to cheat and use my engine and any assets I happen to have lying around in my hard drive! πŸ™‚

Hopefully I’ll have a good game idea and with the additional power of Spellbook I’ll be able to spend more time in game design/balance and polish the game more than I’ve usually done in the past… Or I might find a stupid bug in Spellbook and have to spend the whole time tracking it πŸ™‚ That’s always what happens on these circumstances anyway! πŸ˜€

I’ll be posting here the game progress, and on the Ludum Dare site (and some pictures on Facebook aswell, I’m an attention whore!)…

Good luck all involved!


Just an ordinary blog, nothing to see…. :)

25 Jun

Well, this wouldn’t be a blog if I didn’t come from time to time and apologize for little updates…

But I have a really good reason: I’m changing jobs and it’s been a massive undertaking to do so, and I haven’t had much time to play, watch movies and even work properly…

So, except some updates in the near future, as soon as I get some free time back (probably next week things will be calmer)…

So nobody can’t complain that this wasn’t a real update, check out this trailer of “El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron”… haven’t made up my mind on what I think about it, but it sure looks different: