Archive for the ‘Tools’ Category

Bah, stupid capture applications…

25 Nov

I did a nifty 10 minute video walking people through the material system of my editor, but the encoding application decided to blow up and corrupt the files… Disappointed smile

Need to find a better way to do this kind of video captures… for fullscreen applications, I have Fraps, which works like a charm, but for “desktop” applications, I don’t have anything good… Any suggestions?

Anyway, this will be the post before the weekend… it still wasn’t this week that we did the “big announcement”, but we’ll do it next week for sure!

Have a nice weekend everyone!


SurgeED–Image Bank Editor

28 Oct

After a couple of weeks, I’ve finished the Image Bank editor on the SurgeED tool… Took a bit longer than I was expecting, mainly because I had to add to the editor system the concept of child entities, with all the copy/delete/undo/redo/explorer issues associated with it…

But first of all, what’s an image bank (IB) and why do I use them?

Well, one of the main things you can do to increase performance in any engine (be it 2d or 3d) is to reduce the number of primitive drawing calls… I’m not talking about actual primitives, but calls to the function that draws them… That requires a call to the low level system, and that call has a fixed setup time, no matter how many primitives you render in that call…

So, it’s better to create a single buffer with 1000 primitives (sprites in case of 2d) and draw that, than have 1000 buffers and draw them all… The performance increase is in several orders of magnitude…

This process is called “batching”…

But to draw 1000 primitives in a single draw call, they have to share every render state (which includes all the like render properties, more importantly, the textures).

So, to draw 1000 primitives, they have to share the same texture, and this is done through creating an atlas, which is a single texture that has loads of images in it. Then, using UV mapping, we can index the separate images and use them in a single draw call to draw different objects… Below you can see an example of this:


This is accompanied by a file that describes where each of the individual images is:

<image_bank name="bm_gui_ib" delete_textures="false" normalized_coords="false" read_textures="true">
        <layer type="diffuse">bm_gui</layer>
            <image name="b_inv_arrow_s" x="703" y="0" sx="32" sy="95" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_arrow_u" x="639" y="0" sx="32" sy="95" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_btn" x="191" y="288" sx="61" sy="71" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_combine" x="795" y="152" sx="184" sy="85" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_exit_s" x="639" y="320" sx="73" sy="31" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_exit_u" x="543" y="320" sx="73" sy="31" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_s02" x="319" y="32" sx="142" sy="25" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_s03" x="319" y="57" sx="142" sy="23" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_s04" x="319" y="80" sx="142" sy="24" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_s05" x="319" y="104" sx="142" sy="24" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_s06" x="319" y="128" sx="142" sy="24" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_u01" x="0" y="0" sx="142" sy="32" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_u02" x="0" y="32" sx="142" sy="25" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_u03" x="0" y="57" sx="142" sy="23" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_u04" x="0" y="80" sx="142" sy="24" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_u05" x="0" y="104" sx="142" sy="24" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_u06" x="0" y="128" sx="142" sy="24" hx="0" hy="0"/>
            <image name="b_inv_menu_u07" x="0" y="152" sx="142" sy="33" hx="0" hy="0"/>

The hotspot describes where is the “grip point” of the image, which is helpful for rotations and just general positioning.

An image bank then gives “names” to the images and says to the system where it can go get them (in terms of texture and positioning). A single image bank can use several textures:


This helps with the organization of the image banks…

One thing I added in the process of adding an editor for this (more on this later) was the ability of a single image have different layers (like diffuse, normal, etc). This will be helpful to define a decal system later, since I need both textures to create a really good decal, and I didn’t want to create separate systems…

Basically an image can have multiple layers, the only restriction being that all the layers have to have the same size.

Up until now, the artists would create these Image Banks by hand, positioning images in a big image and creating a text file by hand, specifying where each element was. This was time consuming and very error-prone, and this was one of the motivations for the image bank editor.

The way the image bank editor works is very straightforward… You create an image bank component, and add pages to it… Each page can have different sizes and support different layers. Then you import images to a specific page (with all layers being a different source DDS image). Then you can move the images around, using the normal tools of the trade (snaps to grid, to other objects, padding support with visual warning where two images are overlapping, etc)…

When the artist is satisfied with the image bank, he can “Generate” it and the system will create the atlas and XML file, and it becomes available to all the editor system. The component can then be deleted (it can always be created again from the image bank), or left alone.

You can also add mountpoints on the images. On the sample above, you can see the character has a sword on his hand, but if we had a character that could yield a sword or an axe (for example), we could add a mountpoint to his hand and in the game run time, attach another object to a specific mountpoint.

I’m very proud of the editor as a whole, and this component is very cool in action, since I believe it will cut down development time for 2d games a big deal (artists could lose up to 3 or 4 hours creating an atlas by hand, and add 2 more hours or so due to small errors, like a wrong position (easy to spot) or a wrong hotspot (harder to spot)).


You can see the editor in action above… the frame rate is crap, think it is because of the on-the-fly encoding… This component doesn’t perform as well as I’d want, but it’s easy to understand, considering that each image has to be drawn separately (in its own draw call), because we’re trying to create the image bank that will solve that problem in game…

Next stop in my travels in game development land will take me to rebuilding the fonts for Something Fishy, so I can start trying to port the game to tablets.


The hiatus

12 Sep

Hey all!

I’ve been neglecting (again) my blog… but I got good reasons! Smile

One was my birthday, which implies a lot of partying… My wife got me a neat video camera (I’ve been lusting for one for ages!), a Cannon Legria:


It has nice quality… maybe on my next Ludum Dare 48 hour compo I’ll manage to use some rotoscoping or live video to make the game sprites… Smile

Anyway, after that excuse runs out, I’ve been having too much fun playing around with my editor! I can only work on it on my spare time (when I also write this blog), so when I get into the zone I tend to not deviate from it.

From a practical standpoint, just added some options to the light system (soft shadows, through PCF) and moved the light creation to the a new “Instance entities” tab on the toolbar. It makes sense, since there’s nothing different on the creation of the light and the other entities. This way the GUI becomes more organized (and more akin to 3d Studio Max, aswell).

Most of the changes in the editor was the updating of resources. Now it is possible to reimport some assets and have them replace the existing ones, which is really cool!). Was thinking on live update (modify the resource files themselves and have the system update), but decided against it. The editor is built on the idea of being a self-contained “project”: it has its own directory structure, naming schemes, etc, so I don’t want the artists/level designers to be able to change things around… too much potential for disaster, in my opinion… I rather have them export the assets to some temporary directory somewhere on their hard drive, and explicitly import the assets into the project. It requires an extra step (or two, since the system asks the user if he really wants to update the assets), but I think its not a big deal. Anyway, if we see the benefit in this, I can add an option for a live-link, which are files that get imported automatically as soon as they’re modified (without asking anything, etc). Also want to add live update of textures (since that’s a different resource type, we can afford to break the coherency of the system for that, since they get copied to the project itself).

The editor is coming along nicely, its already considerably powerful and it works pretty well (still has the occasional crash, but since the system auto saves almost continuously, it doesn’t cost the artist anything). Next step on the development map on it is helper objects (with object linking/sub-objects and sub-classing working properly). I’ll make a video then (a better one than the last, with narration!).

Anyway, I’ll do an effort to be more regular at updating the blog… Smile