Main menu and instructions

22 Aug

Main menu and instructions are done…

Instructions are quite tricky to get right, since the game has quite “strange” mechanics… probably would be easier with a tutorial that would introduce the mechanics and units one by one… this way it might be a bit overwhelming, but no time for anything better…

The game has an interface issue, because it’s sometimes hard to understand exactly what’s going on, what unit is attacking which unit, etc, but that’s also due to my meagre drawing skills…

inst03.jpg inst00.jpg
inst01.jpg inst02.jpg

Anyway, still loads of stuff to do:

– End-of-game screen (when you overcome the 7 levels)
– 7 levels
– (something I just remembered) Initial gems inside the keep to help the player
– Sound effects
– Music

Be back in a while with some more stuff… the clock is ticking… less than 6 hours to go…


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