Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

Advancing army…

21 Aug

Got some more game logic in the game: the army now advances…

The army can only spawn in grass-tiles on the left side, and it advances choosing randomly a direction (up, down, right), prioritizing up and down (to avoid having too many “straglers”).


Took me longer than normal, since I did an XML system to be able to customize any unit… so adding new units, is just editing the XML file (data-driven code ftw!).

The sprite is traced from Oryx’s sprite pack from the TIG Assemblee competition (really like that pack)… I zoomed it in Photoshop than placed all pixels by hand in a new image, adding the small feet animation aswell… Think this is allowed and it looks much better than something that I started without a reference… Going to do that for the rest of the graphics, since it looks nice…

Now to get some wall-destroying logic going… The army will only attack the wall if he can’t move forward anymore (the army never retreats!).


Lunch and tilemap ready…

21 Aug

Just finished my lunch:


Good chicken takeway… 🙂

Anyway, got the tilemap working, which is read from a text file…


The blue thing on the right is the castle… need to change the colors, looked better when I was drawing it… Maybe swap the rock for trees for “impassable” and use grey for the castle walls…

Anyway, now to get the army moving…


An idea!

21 Aug

Had breakfast (bread and liquid crack AKA Nestea Orange):


and inspiration hit me… I actually got a decent idea!


The idea is a mix of Bejeweled, Puzzle Quest, Possession Mechanics and Tetris…

An invading army is attacking your castle and you have to possess the right type of enemy to deal more damage to the surrounding units… It’s kind of complicated to explain without visual aids (hopefully, or else I won’t be able to do decent instructions and nobody will understand my game).

I think this is pretty simple to implement, so I won’t use my engine and go back to my old LD#17 framework to do the game… if I’m lucky I’ll be able to make the compo instead of the jam, let’s see…

Going to use placeholder graphics until I have a firm grasp on what I’ll need to actually draw…

Really excited by this one…



04 May

Hey everyone…

I know, I know, I’ve been quiet lately… Reason for that was that my World of Warcraft account got hacked last week, and in trying to find how that happened, I didn’t trust any of my computers to log on to anything… :\
Still haven’t figured out how I got hacked (probably a well hidden worm, trojan or keylogger), so I decided to just format all my PCs…

Anyway, I’m back and been super-busy with my all-purpose editor…
Lifting the veil a bit:

What you’re seeing is the 2d map component editor…

What my editor does is handle “components” that have “entities”, which in turn have “properties”. These properties can be class-driven (so out of the box, my “2d objects” have a size, position, etc, etc… You can see the property editor in the right lower corner of the screen.) or custom added by the user.
This type of system has lots of nifty advantages… one of them is that the properties can be edited in a series of you, from GUI components on the property editor, to directly through the viewport. Another advantage is the fact that the undo system becomes way easier to build… I have unlimited undos/redos on this editor, which will make it easier for content creators to access… I’ll probably make a post about my property system in the future, since it has a lot of nifty macro tricks so that adding a property is easy.

All the system is built using the Win32 API (so no MFC, .NET, Widgets or any kind of external tech). Reason for this is that in the past I’ve used my own library (too much work to add stuff, looked ugly, was unwieldy and unnatural) or wxWidgets (and I usually came midway through the project thinking I was fighting wxWidgets more than the actual editor code).
It has been a fight getting this to work at all (since I just use the Internet as source of information on Win32 API), but I think it’s well worth it… I can create a new control type very fast nowadays, after the initial “Where the hell is this?!” or “How can I do that?!?!?!”…

The project managment code was also a bitch to get right, since I wanted this editor not only to encapsulate asset design, but also the project managment part of it. For example, when you want to add a 3d model to the system, you don’t just dump the file in a specific directory, you import it to the project, where he does all sorts of nifty things, before storing it in an easily parsed XML format (which is also good to merge using CVS tools). Later, you can invoke the “compile” command which will turn the files into binaries, for faster loading, etc.
It can also launch external applications (for example, the game executable, so the user can see how the level is playing, for example), or text editors (to edit scripts and such).

All of this took a bit in creating, but I’m very happy with the results so far…

Hopefully I can lift the veil a bit on the inner workings when I get some time to write some tutorials… 🙂

Until then, catch you all later!


Giving up…

24 Apr

Although I was psyched with this compo, the fact that the theme is islands sapped my will to finish this game…

Nothing wrong with it from a technical standpoint… no bugs, no nothing, it was terribly easy to code, to be honest…

I did an island-based game last time, and bar remaking that one and improving it, I’m not having decent ideas for games, and there’s no point in wasting a whole weekend on this if I’m not having fun…

Next competition I’ll be back… 🙂 And hopefully, I’ll be able to come up with a better idea that I actually want to finish… and I’ll practice my sprite animations, so I don’t lose 3 hours making a stupid and terrible walk cycle… 🙂

Good luck everyone! Last screenshot for the road:



Cloud-shifting system done

24 Apr

Just added the gameplay system that enables the player to convert clouds into floating islands for a short period of time:


It works great, but I’m not seeing this game turning fun anytime soon… I’ll persevere in the hopes that I have a moment of inspiration and I find a way for the game to work as a game (challenging and fun)…

Already thought a lot about scrapping this, but I like taking things until it’s bitter conclusion… 🙂


Movement and collision detection

24 Apr

And once more I’ve done the most horrible collision detection system ever, a tangled web of ifs and elses, special cases and other horrible things… it works well, though, so I’ll probably just touch it the least I can… 🙂


Player can jump and fall, move left and right and that is all animated… of sorts…

Going to add a nice gradient background (that blue is getting on my nerves), have lunch and then get to make our own clouds appear…


Ground sprites done…

24 Apr

At least my ground sprites don’t look all that sucky…


Now I need to get the wizard moving on these, jumping and falling, with camera tracking… the usual stuff for platformers…


Why stuff always looks better on my mind?!…

24 Apr

Enough said:


Just finished the walk cycle of my main character, and it is UGLY! :\

Took me almost 2 hours to come up with something this horrible… I wish I could just steal art from some place so my games don’t look so terrible!

Anyway, now to build some “island”, “cloud” and “ground” sprites so I can do the actual game work… I’ll get back to this later if I find the time…


An idea…

24 Apr

Got an idea… a sort of “Rainbow Islands” game, with some other things thrown into the mix…

The player controls a knigh/wizard and has to get to… somewhere… well, no matter, player will have to transform clouds into floating islands to be able to get to his destination, using the environment as well (floating islands already in place), which can have monsters and stuff…

Still need to clear up lots of details, but in the meantime I can start drawing and stuff…

First step, create the player character, so that I know what size everything will be…

First screenshot:


Impressive, I know! 🙂